Wednesday, Sept. 28: "ARTISTIC ESCAPADES: Artist Residencies in Oceania"

The below is quoted directly from an email circulated by the Center for Pacific Islands Studies. For more information, click on the flyer at right. The Pacific Collection holds library copies of Katherine Higgins' book, Red wave : space, process, and creativity at the Oceania Centre for Arts and Culture , as well as her Plan B Master's Project, Biau Kula : space, process, and creativity at the Oceania Centre for Arts and Culture . The text of Biau Kula can also be found online via Scholarspace , the library's digital repository. ------- ARTISTIC ESCAPADES: Artist Residencies in Oceania by Katherine Higgins Wednesday, 28 Sept 2011 Noon-1:15 pm EWC John A Burns Hall, Room 3012 Katherine Higgins, who has an MA in Pacific Islands studies from the UHM Center for Pacific Islands Studies and a graduate certificate in museum studies from the Museum Studies Program in the UHM Department of American Studies, has been working with artists in Oceania for a number of years. In her...