The Contemporary Pacific, vol. 25, no. 2

The latest issue of The Contemporary Pacific (Vol. 25, number 2, Fall 2013) has been released, and is available to UH students, faculty and affiliates via Project Muse . The latest issue features art from the 11th Festival of Pacific Arts, which was held in the Solomon Islands in 2012, with cover art (pictured here) by Alisa Vavataga. (As with all recent issues, the featured art is reproduced in full color in the online version of TCP ). Articles include writing by Erik K. Silverman ("After Cannibal Tours : Cargoism and Marginality in a Post-touristic Sepik River Society"), Lorenz Gonschor ("Mai te hau Roma ra te huru: The Illusion of "Autonomy" and the Ongoing Struggle for Decolonization in French Polynesia"), an interview with Oscar Temaru, and much more. As a reminder, all back issues of The Contemporary Pacific (prior to one year from the present) are also freely available on the Internet via UH-Manoa Library's Scholarspace digital repository...