
Showing posts from July, 2013

July 15 Seminar: "Cultural Dilemmas in Development"

O n  Monday July 15 at 12pm  in Burns Hall room 3012, East-West Center,  Fr. Fran Hezel will be giving a brown bag seminar called "Cultural Dilemmas in Development," which stems from nearly fifty years of experience living and working in the Federated States of Micronesia. Fr. Hezel's talk will also draw on his recently published  Making sense of Micronesia : the logic of Pacific island culture   (University of Hawai'i Press, 2013). The Seminar is co-sponsored by The Pacific Islands Development Program and the Center for Pacific Islands Studies. For more information, click on the flyer at right.

2013 Kids Count Data Book

The Annie E. Casey Foundation's annual Kids Count databook is an important source of statistical information on a variety of subjects. The 2013 edition was recently, released, and can be downloaded from the Kids Count Data Center .

Construction Update: Extended due date for Hawaiian and Pacific materials

As previously announced, the re-opening date for the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections is now tentatively scheduled for August 26, 2013 (for more on this revised date, click here) . Owing to this change in our planned re-opening date, all materials that were checked out from the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections between April 28 and May 13 have automatically been given an updated due date. These materials are now due back to the library on or before Tuesday, September 3, 2013.

Climate change resource

Climate Change and the Pacific Islands is an National Science Foundation funded website that includes videos and other teaching resources related to climate change. to quote the site: " The media resources in this collection examine ecosystems on volcanic high islands and low-lying atolls and the climate-related threats to these ecosystems. They also highlight human activities that strengthen or weaken ecosystems, as well as actions that islanders are taking to reduce the threats they face and help preserve their future." Click on the image to view the site.

Construction Update (as of July 1, 2013)

Hawaiian & Pacific Collections Construction update: The Hawaiian & Pacific Collections at UH-Manoa Hamilton Library are currently closed to the public for renovation work. While the completion date for construction was initially estimated to be mid-July, we have been informed by the contractor that this date will have to be extended.  We are therefore currently estimating that the Hawaiian & Pacific Collections will be re-opening to the public on the first day of the fall semester, August 26, 2013, though we cannot yet guarantee this date.  The timetable is completely determined by the pace of ongoing construction on our floor. In the meantime, Hawaiian & Pacific Collections librarians will continue to provide in-person reference service in Hamilton Library's Government Documents Collection reading room, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. This service will continue through Thursday, August 15, which is the last day of Summer Session II. ...