Marshallese-English Online Dictionary (Plus Link to Nauran and Kiribati Dictionaries)

The below is quoted directly from an e-mail sent by Byron W. Bender, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, University of Hawaii, regarding the newly online Marshallese-English Dictionary. See also the bottom of Dr. Bender's message for a link to a site hosting online Nauran and Kiribati dictionaries:

Iọkwe koṃ otemjej,
            We’re on line. Please feel free to spread the word. There are still typos and other infelicities, especially in the new material that has been added, and there’s more editing to be done, but there’s no need to make everyone wait. Some whistles and bells have been added, as many things are possible on line that are not possible in hard copy. I hope you can find time to read the introduction carefully and explore using the new features.
            For those of you who knew about the earlier unofficial on-line version, it will now be necessary to make one small change in the URL of the new on-line version: — a capital O replaces the earlier capital E, so that MED is now used only in referring to the 1976 published version, and MOD to the 2009 on-line version. Earlier links to won’t work anymore.
            If you’re citing material from the MOD in scholarly publications, the following form of reference could be used: 

Abo, Takaji, Byron W. Bender, Alfred Capelle, and Tony DeBrum. 1976. Marshallese-English dictionary. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. Revised ed., 2009.:
           Headwords can be used instead of page numbers when citing: for example, Abo et al. 2009:tūkjinede.
            Please encourage everyone, yourselves included, to use the email link (found at the bottom of each page) to send us corrections and additions.
            Finally, let me express my deep gratitude to the one person without whose assistance this could never have happened, Steve Trussel. His programming skills, experience, and creativity, and his knowledge of linguistics and of Asian and Pacific Island languages and cultures have made the entire operation a piece of cake, and all in less than six months. I recommend a visit to his web site EclectiCity at,where you will find on-line dictionaries for Nauruan and Kiribati as well other data for an etymology of the site’s name.


  1. Carmen Taitano is asking for Byron Benders email address?

  2. Dr. Bender's contact info can be found using the online UH directory, at:


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