Hawaiian and Pacific Collections to temporarily close May 11, 2013

An extensive construction project to update Hamilton Library’s air conditioning will begin on April 1. This multi-month project will impact different floors and sections of the Library at different times. Construction affecting the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections is scheduled to begin in mid-May. As a consequence, the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections will be closed to the public as of May 11, 2013. Construction in the Hawaiian and Pacific collections area of the library is expected to take up to eight weeks, but the timetable for reopening cannot be exactly determined owing to the complexity of the project. 

During the closure period, materials in the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections will be completely inaccessible to all library users and all library staff. Materials that are checked out from the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections from April 28 onward will be given an extended due date.

Although the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections reading room will be closed, librarians from the collection will be available for in-person reference assistance elsewhere in the library. We will also be answering email queries as possible. Please note that, as our collections are unavailable to us, we may in some cases only be able to provide minimal reference assistance.

Please forward this message to others who may need this information. To be placed on our e-mail list for notifications relating to this project, please send a request tohawnpac@hawaii.edu. As we have more specifics, we will also post them on our departmental website ( http://library.manoa.hawaii.edu/departments/hp/ ) and blog ( http://hpcoll.blogspot.com/ ).

For questions specific to the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections, please contact department head Stu Dawrs (dawrs@hawaii.edu). For general information on how the construction project is affecting the library as a whole, please visit http://library.manoa.hawaii.edu/about/air_handler.html


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