Modified Inter-Library Loan Fine Policy (Plus New Voyager ILL Features)

The below announcement comes from the UH-M Library's Interlibrary Services, and refers to materials received at UH-M Library via Interlibrary Loan from other institutions. (For comments and questions, please see contact info at bottom):

Effective January 11, 2010, to facilitate the prompt return of ILL loan materials, fees and fines are assessed at the following rates, per item: 
  • Overdues: $.25 per day
  • Recalls: $.50 per day
  • Fines are assessed every day including weekends and holidays
  • An item is considered “lost” when the fine reaches $10
  • Lost charges include the replacement cost of an item, a $10 NON-REFUNDABLE processing fees, plus any processing fees imposed by the lending library, and accumulated overdue fines.

  • New! In the Voyager “My Account”, you will be able to see your checked out ILL items and due dates.
  • Convenience! You will be able to view all of your checked out items conveniently in one system (UHM, UH system, and ILL loans).
  • New! You will receive automated email notices for due date courtesy reminders, overdues, and recalls.
  • New! Fines and fees payments can be made at the Hamilton Library’s Business Office
  • Renewals/re-requesting must be done by contacting the ILL office staff directly by phone (956-8568) or via your ILLiad accounts. (ILL renewals cannot be done via Voyager.)

If there are any questions, please contact:
Naomi Chow ( or Jan Sung (


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