Reciprocal Circulation and Borrowing Privledges

If you are a currently enrolled student or faculty member at the University of Hawaii-Manoa and are planning to visit a university library outside of Hawaii (or if you are a researcher from abroad planning on visiting our campus), you should know that the UHM Library participates in two reciprocal programs. The Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) Reciprocal Circulation Program allows students and faculty to borrow books from more than a dozen university and college libraries in the continental United States. UH-Manoa faculty members are also eligible for the OCLC Faculty Reciprocal Borrowing Card, which allows access to roughly 200 U.S. research libraries. For more information on these programs (including a list of GWLA reciprocal libraries), click here. For a list of participating OCLC institutions, click here. To make use of these privledges, UHM students and faculty need to contact either Naomi Chow (ILL/ESP Librarian) or Sandra Ohashi (Circulation Manager) in the library's Access Services Department prior to their departure. (Visiting researchers should make arrangements through their own college or university library.)
Visiting researchers should also note that the Hawaiian & Pacific Collections have different circulation policies from the rest of the UH-Manoa Hamilton Library. To view our circulation policies, click here.


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